Monday 3 August 2015

Skopje at night and day

Hello lovely readers! Like every other summer we left for a family road trip. Last year we drove to Montenegro. This year our destination is Greece. 
First day we drove through Poland, Czech Republic and reached Slovakia where we stopped to get some rest.
The next day we passed Hungry and Serbia. We were on our way to Macedonia, where we booked a room for one night. Unfortunately in Serbia we stuck in a traffic jam for 3 hours. So we reached Skopje at 3 a.m and then for 2 hours searched for that room. While we were searching I couldn't stop admiring Skopje at night. All important buildings and bridges were beautifully light up. In the dark everything looks flawless and magnificent. Fun fact, there are so many homeless dogs at Macedonia, that to locals it is a regular thing. However to us it was unusual. We had five companions by our side when we walked through the city. Even though we were tired, we managed to take some photos. At 5 a.m we found our apartments and went to sleep. In the morning we had breakfast at the bar and after went for a walk to see Skopje in the daylight. The city at day time looks as beautiful as it looks during night. Macedonians worship Alexander The Great. On every corner you can see sculptures and monuments for him and other important people. 
After a short lookthrough the city we hit the road again. At about lunch time we were at Greece and by the end of the day we reached our final destination. 
Stay tuned for more posts of my trip.

Love, S
2 comments on "Skopje at night and day"
  1. lovely post! It's so amazing:)
